Rosh Chodesh New Moon Celebration
Gregorian Date: Sunset, Wed. June 29-Thurs. June 30th 5782
4th_Month: Tammuz
pg. 277-280_ in A Time to Advance by Chuck Pierce
Month of the Tribe of Reuben
Pg 227-231 in A Time to Advance by Chuck Pierce
Between the first of trio of tribes and the second trio of tribes, the Levites had two families strategically responsible for carrying and setting up the foundational parts of the tabernacle in-between the protection of the first trio tribes and second trio of tribes. On page 162 Chuck introduces the next three tribes (in order of and cluster of how they camped together at the south end of the Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant) as The Lord’s Battle-Axe Brigade. As we enter into the second quarter of the calendar, we are honoring, identifying with and celebrating the strategic positioning that these three tribes give us in our lives in relationship to our access to God with regards to His Tabernacle, Holy Things, and Ark of the Covenant.
During the last trio of months we celebrated the Passover, Pentecost and the beginning of the first Harvests. This next trio of months we will be preparing for the Feasts of Tabernacles.
~Participating in first fruits giving isn’t about giving your tithe, but rather about you doing several things that make you enter into a flow of blessing. First of all, He has predetermined your times and boundaries. Act.. 17:26 says, “…having determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation…” pg111 in ATTA~
Barbara Peters, for the past two Sunday services at Angelfire, has prophetically taught on discerning God’s “appointed times.” in our lives.
According to: The Biblical Meaning of Numbers from One to Forty by Dr. Stephen E. Jones, I find this to be a good prophetic reminder, in that the Hebrew year is 5782 and therefore the whole decade we are in is a new beginning and that in this year, God sees us and is orchestrating a new beginning and a reestablishment of the house of the Lord and how we are to effectively operate in it for our Lord’s purposes and plans for us to be accomplished.
Two years ago in 2020, with all of the hoopla with the presidential election, I began to seek the Lord and inquire what His form of government was. He kept saying “Family.” Our church family has also been doing a on going deep dive into Ed Silvoso’s Ekklesia, studying how the term church should actually be translated Ekklesia which has the connotation of empowering governing jurisdiction wherever two or more of an emperor’s ambassadors are gathered in agreement. So in my transforming and renewed thinking, I have come to believe that God’s order of government is not a republic or a democracy and not even a monarchy, but family. A mother and father who are married as one in the unity of faith in Jesus as not only Savior, but also Lord bearing natural fruit and spiritual fruit in God’s Kingdom Family.

Ekklesia which has the connotation of empowering governing jurisdiction wherever two or more of an emperor’s ambassadors are gathered in agreement. So in my transforming and renewed thinking, I have come to believe that God’s order of government is not a republic or a democracy and not even a monarchy, but family. A mother and father who are married as one in the unity of faith in Jesus as not only Savior, but also Lord bearing natural fruit and spiritual fruit in God’s Kingdom Family.
As we continue to celebrate each month, Rosh Chodesh, First Fruits Offering and The New Moon, in A Time to Advance, Chuck Pierce prophetically aligns one of each of the twelve tribes with each of the Hebrew Months in the order of how they encamped in the wilderness so as to protect the Arc of the Covenant. We are continuing to teach and learn as an Ekklesia, about our appointed times and seasons with our Lord according to His ways rather than our own.
This month we look at what we can glean from and identify with regarding our ancestry in regards to our great grandfather Jacob’s son Rueben and the tribe named after him.
In the pages of on the Tribe of Reuben, pg 227-231 Reuben seems to be a hot headed guy who eventually learns about self control and second chances. What area’s of your life do you relate to Reuben, where at first you failed but then you persevered and recommitted to honor the Lord? What fruit of repentance do you see in Reuben’s life and in your own life? (Genesis 29, 30, 35 and 49)
So produce fruit that is consistent with repentance [demonstrating new behavior that proves a change of heart, and a conscious decision to turn away from sin]; Matthew 3:8 amp
~What special ways is Holy Spirit calling you to move through this month in worship?
~What arena’s of your life do you need to evaluate and recalibrate where needed this month? What area’s of your heart might be hardened and what area’s do you need Holy Spirit to help you stay humble and vulnerably honest with Him in?
~Tammuz was the month in which Israel made the golden calf, the first set of tablets were broken and the Holy Temple was destroyed. Pray and ask Holy Spirit if there are any false idols in your life that He wants you to address and surrender to Him? Be in conversation with Holy Spirit about areas in your life, soul and spirit that He wants to work with you to rebuild in His strength of joy and by His Spirit’s leading this month.
Proverbs 18:21 says that, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.”
~Make three lists with Holy Spirit:
of attributes He says you are:
Blessings He desires you to walk in:
Destiny and future He is calling you to:
Speak these list items over yourself regularly this month as declarations of destiny and encouragement to build faith and rebuild your body temple.